Privacy policy

Auris Energy Oy

1 Data controller

Auris Energy Oy

Pulttikatu 1, 48770 Kotka

Other contact information (e.g. phone during office hours, email address)
020 690 02, asiakaspalvelu(at)

2 Contact person in matters concerning the register

Sanna Paldan 

Pulttikatu 1, 48770 Kotka

Other contact information (e.g. phone during office hours, email address)
020 690 027, asiakaspalvelu(at)

3 Name of the register

Auris Kaasuenergia Oy’s customer register.

4 Purpose of processing personal data

Personal data is processed for the following purposes:
managing customer relationships, managing gas contracts and gas supply, repairing disturbances and gas outages, credit checks, invoicing and debt collection, bulletins and newsletters, marketing campaigns, and direct marketing.

5 Data content of the register

Personal data is collected from the customers of Auris Kaasunjakelu Oy, Auris Kaasuenergia Oy, and Auris Energiapalvelut Oy. This customer data is collected and processed by the companies mentioned above, as well as possible service companies providing services related to customer relationships. The personal data collected includes: Customer’s name, address, billing address, telephone number, email address, social security number, and estimated annual consumption.

6 Regular sources of information

As a rule, customer data is collected from the customer himself. If necessary, customer data is supplemented from the civil registry and Suomen Asiakastieto Oy.

7 Regular disclosure of data

Customer service and invoicing for Auris Energia are provided by Elenia Oy. Thus, customer data is regularly disclosed to people working at Elenia in these tasks, and these people at Elenia Oy also collect and maintain customer data in the register.

Customer data is disclosed within the same group to the following companies: Auris Kaasunjakelu Oy, Auris Kaasuenergia Oy, Auris Energiapalvelut Oy. If necessary, customer data is disclosed to a debt collection company for debt collection activities.

8 Transfer of data outside the EU or EEA

Customer data will not be disclosed to other parties or outside the EU.

9 Principles of register protection

The customer register and the equipment of the information system processing it are located in closed data centers. In case of disturbances, the data is verified by copying it regularly. Physical material (contract documents) is stored in a locked fire safety cabinet. 

The circle of customer data processors is limited to those white-collar employees in whose duties the processing of data is necessary. The persons processing the data are bound by professional secrecy. The data is stored in a system whose access control and protection have been arranged in accordance with the relevant and required requirements. 

10 Right of inspection

The subject of the data has the right to know what information concerning him or her has been stored in the personal data file or that the register does not contain any information concerning him/her. A written and signed request concerning the matter must be addressed to Auris Energia Oy’s customer service by e-mail to asiakaspalvelu(at) or by letter to the postal address of the customer service. 

11 Right to rectification

The subject of the data has the right to have incorrect data concerning him or her in the register corrected. The request to rectify the error must be sent by e-mail to asiakaspalvelu(at) or by letter to the postal address of the customer service. 

12 Other rights related to the processing of personal data

The subject of the data has the right to prohibit the use of personal data concerning him or her for direct marketing purposes. The prohibition must be sent by e-mail to asiakaspalvelu(at) or by letter to the customer service address.